-515 Days ago!

The Last Post – a family theatre show

October 30, 2023 2:30 pm
Abbey Theatre

"We were all just desperate men who wanted to be home for Christmas with the ones we loved; our hearts torn between the duty to our country and the warmth and shelter of our families.”

‘The Last Post’ is a moving theatrical adaptation of Keith Campion's acclaimed novel, written especially for families. Focussing on the correspondence relationship between a boy and his father on the front line in WW1, their letters bring the Great War to life, illustrating how the events of that time changed the people of Britain forever.
This production is adapted and produced by Hobgoblin Theatre Company

Running time 1 hour – no interval

The Last Post is a theatrical adaptation of Keith Campion's novel, written especially for Primary children, and focuses on the correspondence relationship between a boy and his father on the front line in WW1. Through their letters we learn about life in WW1, both on the front line and at home, and the effect that the war had on the lives of people in Britain at the period. The split stage, multi-rolling and use of projections allows for fast-paced transitions from England to Belgium so the audience remain immersed in this simple but moving story that entertains in an appropriate and engaging manner. The show is brought to you by Hobgoblin Theatre Company, who have been producing theatre for children for over 15 years.
“The show was fantastic. I would recommend this performance to any school around Remembrance – it really helps the children to understand elements of war in a child-friendly but also realistic way.” Primary History Leader

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