-380 Days ago!

Lesley Smith as Mary Queen of Scots

March 12, 2024 7:30 pm
Abbey Theatre

Mary Queen of Scots was queen of Scotland and France, and a direct claimant for the English throne. She was a great beauty, and very well educated, but Some would argue, was a fool for men, something her cousin and rival Elizabeth of England was careful to avoid. After being forced to flee from Scotland by her rebellious subjects, she was held prisoner at various properties in the Midlands and Yorkshire. Among these, her most hated was Tutbury Castle, where she was held on four occasions – once for eleven months. It was here that she first became embroiled in the plots which were eventually to cost her life. She left Tutbury for the last time two days before Christmas in 1585 when she was moved to nearby Chartley. There she was arrested and sent to Fotheringhay Castle in Northamptonshire where she was executed in February 1587.

This presentation gives you a chance to meet the tragic queen during her final imprisonment at Tutbury and share her hopes and fears as her dramatic tale approaches its bitter conclusion.

Despite the signage, the Pool Bank Street public car park is open whenever the theatre is in use.  You will not be locked in!

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