-500 Days ago!

Enid Blyton – Noddy, Big-Ears and Lashings of Controversy

November 14, 2023 7:30 pm
Abbey Theatre

Enid Blyton was loved by children. She sold more than 600 million books, despite all her work being banned by the BBC and many libraries and schools for more than thirty years. She was accused of being a racist and of using such limited vocabulary that it actually hindered children’s reading progress. She had an interesting love life. She enjoyed playing golf so much that she bought a golf course near Swanage. She died of Alzheimer’s in 1968 aged 71, mourned by millions of readers all over the world.

Starring Liz Grand (Where is Mrs Christie.)

Despite the signage, the Pool Bank Street public car park is open whenever the theatre is in use.  You will not be locked in!

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